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A showcase of our most recent and interesting case studies. Learn how we helped companies of all sizes and various industries to solve their language challenges.
SEO for Multilingual Websites

SEO for Multilingual Websites

Three points to consider and Nine action points!! Congratulations, you are going multilingual for your website! One crucial part of making your website multilingual is having 3 important elements of the website in the target languages: 1.   Meta title...

Translation a continuous learning

Translation a continuous learning

Everyone wants to have a job that will never end up being boring and annoying. But not everyone gets such an amazing job and career. And remember, you can always opt for such an opportunity. It’s just that you need an eye to look at it. Usually creative fields like...

Multilingual Multimedia

Multilingual Multimedia

The other day I was telling my son how multimedia is making inroads into every platform. He looked up from his super smart phone and said with a puzzled look, “Has it not been there all along?” I realised that my Gen-X son was right ! The other day I was telling my...

How Does Translation Matter? English Is Not Enough?

How Does Translation Matter? English Is Not Enough?

We feel English is everywhere and everybody understands English.In the business community, we often assume that everybody knows English. But, what is the reality? Figure 1 Languges according to number of native speakers According to the BBC, “Around 75% of the world’s...

Do you need a MultiLingual Website in India?

Do you need a MultiLingual Website in India?

India has 22 official languages and thousands of dialects. People carry out their daily affairs in all these languages. Even in offices, banks, and schools one can hear multiple languages. However, there are a few misconceptions about single language use in India....

Planning Is Everything

Planning Is Everything

Time is always a crucial factor while doing anything in the life. One must have gone through a number of books, articles and videos related to perfect time management. Some of you must have attended some seminar or workshops as well. But did it really help to do that...

Importance Of Subject Glossary In Translation

Importance Of Subject Glossary In Translation

Subject glossary is one of the important tools for translation. Translators often use a dictionary, a thesaurus to find the correct equivalent for a word. When translating academic content, one faces peculiar challenges of context and consistency. A chosen equivalent...

words where to find them

words where to find them

कुठे शोधायचे शब्द?भाषांतर वगैरे सगळं ठीक आहे हो. पण इतके सगळे शब्द आणायचे कुठूनॽ शब्दकोशात सापडतील का हे शब्दॽ भाषांतराच्या जगात नव्याने प्रवेश करणाऱ्यांकडून हमखास येणारा प्रश्न आहे हा. किमान दोन भाषांचं ज्ञान असणं ही पहिली अट असते भाषांतरासाठी. भरपूर शब्दसंपदा असणं...

The Elusive Equation Of Time And Quality

The Elusive Equation Of Time And Quality

In the field of translation, we often dread the word ‘Deadline’. While discussing a project with a translator, we often get to hear the sentence “Isn’t the deadline a bit tight?”What is it about deadlines that make them so imperative in our line of work? A tight...

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